Summer is better than winter writing

This term in literacy we have been learning about persuasive writing.

Summer is better than Winter.

Imagine playing cricket on a mushy, wet and soft ground. Terrible. I’d hate to play on that. This writing is going to be about how summer is better than winter.

Firstly, Summer is better because you can play cricket. It is fun Because we don’t care about life. If it rains the game is going to be If you get wet it is going to break cause all the moisture is gonna fall into it. 

Secondly, In Summer You can play more sports. Inventing you can play rugby.  sports like cricket softball hockey Even more. If you can play cricket in summer you won’t be able to plant and winter otherwise you want to reach your gear Some games in winter can be cancelled because of the bad weather sometimes.

Thirdly, There are more activities in summer and personally I think summer is better because you always gonna run around. It’s gonna be colder.  

So, summer is better because its warmer and more likely better weather. Do you agree?